Spacey Ambient Mix Download - PsyAmb 17

Greetings. Spent a wet afternoon watching U.F.O documentaries online so I thought it might be time for another spacey mix. By the way, if anyone is interested in the U.F.O debate I recommend the film "UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied". Can't say that I agree with everything the author says however it is a pretty entertaining presentation.

Today we kick off with a tune from "I Awake". This is taken from his ( Thomas Huttenlocher ) album "The Core" on "Ultimae Records". I highly recommend this release - very solid with the usual high production values one would expect from Ultimae. Thomas is also a current member of the "Ghostfriend" project.

Next up is "James Murray" with "Invisible People". This tune comes from James' excellent "Where Edges Meet" CD released around the start of 2009. Previously released on em:t, psychonavigation and part2 records, he is now part of the Ultimae roster and works in London as a freelance composer and producer.

Side LinerFollowing on from James we have "Side Liner" with "Haunted Thoughts". I have featured a few Side Liner tracks in past mixes. Check out his latest CD called "Crying Cities" on "Cosmicleaf Records". Really fantastic stuff. Cosmicleaf have been steadily building up a catalog of quality releases to rival that of Ultimae. With artists like Side Liner, Zero Cult and Easily Embarrassed on the books the future looks bright for the label.

Harax is an artist I focused on back in episode 9. Denis Botsvin , the man behind the Harax mask , has come up with an awesome CD titled "Inly". The CD topped chillout charts on various online record distribution services for a number of weeks after release. This track , Freckles , has that nice kind of twisty bass that I just love to hear.

Next is "Marhine" with the track "Spathe". Marhiane (Sandrine Gryson) is co-founder / manager of Ultimae records. This is a sweet,short beatless tune from the "Oxycanta : Winter Blooms" compilation Sandrine produced back in 2007.

Following that we have a wicked tune from "Zero Cult" titled "Broken Hope". This has a nice full , lush sound that really fills your speakers to the top. Reminds me a bit of Abakus or tunes from the old Liquid Sound Design compilations. However there is also something new and fresh about it. It all makes for a nop notch tune that I could listen to again and again. This tune is off the "Nova Natura 3" compilation which is chock-full of quality tunes.

Solar FieldsThe next artist needs no big introduction. "Solar Fields" ( Magnus Birgersson ) has been one of the leading artists in the psychedelic ambient music scene since his debut CD "Reflective Frequencies" back in 2001. With a large dedicated fan base behind him , Magnuss has been consistently producing distinctive, classic deep space sounds that improve with each release . This year saw the release of his sixth studio albumn "Movements". With over 50 compilation appearances, worldwide touring , studio production work and game soundtrack scoring he remains one of the busiest musicians you are likely to hear on PsyAmb.

DJ Zen's "Water" compilation is home to the next tune , "Creation Of Tefnet" by "RA". Water is a pretty good compilation , perhaps not as solid as the "Fire" compilation that came out last month but has a few good tunes on it.

Next we have "Togerther We Are ..." from Polish group "Sundial Aeon" . A four man team, Sundial have had releases on a number of labels as well as doing work for various TV and online media outlets. It is also home to "Scann-Tec" who I had featured here back in episode 4.

Zero Cult is back once again , this time teaming up with Serbian "Kanc Cover" to produce "Green Grass Spirit". With it's old-school goa vibe throughout, this tune is a nice piece of retro ambient trance. From the June 2009 release "Mahayama 5 years".

The last tune before we chill things out a bit is "H.U.V.A Nework" ( Solar Fields+ Aes Dana ) with "Something Heavens". This tune has a long slow build up into some nice cosmic guitar riffs towards the end that really whack you in the face. Take care not to be dozing off too much by the time this tune comes around. I really appreciate what the guys are doing with the HUVA project. You can definitely hear each of their individual styles in each track. Check out their latest CD "Ephemeis" for a real galactic shakedown.

Finally we land back to earth with the help of "Elysium" and "Liquid Stranger". I haven't heard anything new from ELysium in ages. This tune is from 1995 actually. Back then (1995-2000) Elysium was producing quite a lot of tunes and also released the classic “Dance for the Celestial Beings” album which was a world wide hit. Liquid Stranger has a new CD out called "The Intergalactic Slapstick" which I am yet to hear but from what I have read it sounds very tasty indeed. This tune is from his previous CD titled "The Invisible Conquest" released through "Interchill Records".

Well that's it for this week. Next week I am planning on a Simon Posford retrospective in honour of the release of the fourth Shpongle CD. So if you feel like getting shpongled then tune in next time.

Cheers ...

Artist - Track

  • 01. I Awake - Complete Garden (Eternal Forest Edit)
  • 02. James Murray - Invisible People
  • 03. Side Liner - Haunted Thoughts
  • 04. Harax - Freckles
  • 05. Mahiane - Spathe
  • 06. Zero Cult - Broken Hope
  • 07. Solar Fields - Sol
  • 08. Ra - Creation Of Tefnet
  • 09. Sundial - Together, We Are... (Scann-Tec Rmx)
  • 10. Kanc Cover & Zero Cult - Green Grass Spirit
  • 11. H.U.V.A. Network - Something Heavens
  • 12. Elysium - A Journey Into The Complex Brain
  • 13. Liquid Stranger - Wallflower

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